Friday 4 September 2015

4.3 - 4.4 - Review your own technical skills and use of equipment and Identify sources of feedback on your performance

How well do you think you have carried out your role in production?
Generally I think I carried out my roles in production as well as I could - I completed all the tasks I worked on within the time constraints and to a standard I was proud of, particularly in the script. I worked hard and well within a team, always trying to offer input and making sure I was always working on some aspect of the project.

How do you think your technical skills have developed in this role?
I am very happy to say that I believe that my technical skills have improved significantly in my roles in production. From taking on these roles I have gained knowledge on how to operate and use complex camera equipment that I would feel comfortable using again. I believe this has improved my abilities in cinematography and constructing shots, helping my confidence in other fields aside from writing. Leading on from this, I think my script-writing abilities have also improved in my role on that team and I improved in writing dialogue as a result of working in that team. Furthermore, I have learned how to use animation techniques such as stop motion and light painting in creative ways that can really add flair and uniqueness to a film. 

How do you think your knowledge and understanding of equipment and planning documents have developed in this role?

My understanding of the importance of planning documents has developed in my roles on the production greatly, particularly in script-writing, where I learned the importance of managing your time effectively to meet a deadline. The planning of the whole project was also important in showing the significance of everyone needing to know their tasks so that everything could be completed in an organised manner. I have also gained a good grasp of new equipment and technology used in filmmaking that I hadn't experienced before. I learned how to use script writing software I was previously unaware of that I intend on using to write future scripts whilst I have also gained a basic knowledge in using sound equipment to create foley sound effects as well as lighting equipment to enhance a shot, which could be very helpful in my future film-making.

Ask your tutors and peers: How well did I carry out my role in production? How did my technical skills and use of equipment developed in this role? Then answer:
My tutors and peers considered me to be a very polite person to be around who listened well, which was very helpful when working as part of a group and coming up with ideas. Through working on the script, people thought I contributed well to the script as well as giving good feedback to other groups when asked, showing that I carried out my role in production fairly well.

What feedback have you received about your technical skills and use of equipment?

Whilst initially I wasn't too familiar with many of the technical skills and equipment involved with working on different techniques for the film, my peers felt that I learned how to work things fairly quickly after being shown how, though occasionally it required a few tries.


  1. It was nice to see your skills developed and mature during the production week Josh. I thought that you felt a little shy at first but you soon came out of your shell. You gave great discussions and advice to the group and brought lots of fab ideas to the table too.

  2. Here is a link to your Assessor Observation of Candidate Working Practice
