Sunday 6 September 2015

3.3 – Interact with others to encourage collaborative thinking and teamwork

Give an example of when you worked with others to encourage collaborative thinking and teamwork

When I first starting working on the script with a number of other people, we only had the concept of "Mad Jack adventuring through Mere and Mosses" and it was very necessary that we worked together collaboratively to come up with a story. At first, we all individually researched stories about Mad Jack and his antics and wrote down anything we thought could be an interesting segment of the film onto a mind-map. From here, as a group we discussed where we could go with the ideas we had in order to create a story where Mad Jack would explore several locations. Our ideas evolved greatly over this discussion and while we made sure that everyone's opinions were included and heard, we all also made sure we had agreed on what was the best concept and idea to create the film around while trying not to be biased towards our own ideas. This collaboration meant that we could then plot out the film and write the script all with a good idea of what the story was.

1 comment:

  1. I noticed that you all worked excellently together and it was so dynamic and energised. It was great to see ideas being flown from all over the place and then later thinking which ones would work the best. Great collaborative discussions depicting out the better stories.
