Monday 7 September 2015

3.2 – Identify the key factors for effective working relationships

What qualities are needed to work well with others?

There are a number of qualities that you must possess in order to work effectively with others, which are very important when working a project like the one we were. One quality is listening skills, which you cannot underestimate the importance of when working in a team. Everyone should feel that they are able to express their opinions and be heard, or people can end up feeling left out and isolated by the group which can lead to a toxic and negative working atmosphere.

From this, you must be able to communicate with others effectively. When working on a collaborative project like this where lots of different people are working on different tasks that link together, it is important that everyone is aware of what they are doing, what they are working towards and when they should have their tasks done by and the most effective way of doing this is by communicating with everyone.

It is also important to be punctual when working with others on a project of this nature where tasks waiting to start are dependent on others being finished. If you are late or waste time on doing your own task, it can mean another person cannot do their task and it can set the project back a few steps for everyone involved. Try to complete your tasks quickly and to the time you agreed to have them finished by and it will make working with others much easier.

Furthermore, it is always important to have a positive attitude in general when approaching tasks. Even when things may be looking difficult when working on a group project, having a positive attitude is the best way to keep morale up as your own optimism will help your peers to be, and generally make you work more productively and happily together towards a goal.

Though it may be difficult at times, you must always try to self analyse your own work for the benefit of everyone working around you. It means that you can improve your own work by acknowledging any flaws that can improved on, thus improving the quality of the film and therefore the satisfaction and work of the whole group.

Finally, critical thinking when working with others is what helps you to look at an issue and evaluate it so that you can form a judgement and move on to the next step from there. This will benefit you and your working relationships in a team greatly as it cuts down on any arguments since decisions are quickly made. 

1 comment:

  1. Think that pretty much sums up how to form an effective relationship in a group Josh. Well done for dissecting the in's and outs of a working team. No easy task really.
