Thursday 10 September 2015

2.3 – Outline the potential progression routes into the film industry and wider sector

What could be your potential progression route into the film industry?

There are a wide variety of progression routes that could potentially lead you into the film industry:

  • BFI Film Academy - This very academy we are partaking in could be a potential route into the film industry as it builds up a group who can contact each other for assistance on their own future projects due to the connections made during the course. Perhaps most significantly, Film Academy goers also have the opportunity to apply for residential courses with the National Film and Television School (NFTS), some specific to one area of filmmaking (e.g. screenwriting) and others including all roles in order to make several short films. These highly prestigious courses are what can help you obtain contacts with people already in the industry and could be the thing that first gets your name out there.
  • University - Studying film courses at many of the universities offering courses on the subject can help you gain contacts and experience that can get your foot in the door when looking for work in the industry.
  • Work Experience - Gaining work experience on film or television sets or at a production company can be a direct route for you to build up a good reputation in the industry so that you can climb the ladder and get higher within the industry. 
  • Self funded films - These are self-made pieces of filmmaking that could be submitted and potentially accepted to festivals where your work is screened to an audience of professionals that could lead to bigger festivals and even film distributors, bringing your film to a larger audience and establishing yourself within the industry.
  • Short films - These can follow a similar route to self-funded films, by gaining exposure at festivals and potential interest from producers and other professionals who could help you get further in the industry.
  • YouTube channels - By posting your work onto YouTube, it exposes its to a worldwide audience which can lead to work with other filmmakers on the platform and even people higher in the industry if it receives enough exposure.
  • People you know - If you are lucky enough, you may know someone working in the industry personally, or even a friend of a friend, who can pull the strings to help get you working in the industry. 

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