Tuesday 15 September 2015

1.2 - Identify Time Management Skills

Why is time management important in the film industry?

There are a number of reasons that time management is very important in the film industry. One is that deadlines are common in the industry and so in order to finish your tasks on the production and meet the deadline you have to manage your time well. Also, there will be a number of people relying on you to do your job and often other jobs won't be able to begin without another being completed. Therefore, if you don't manage your time effectively and start missing deadlines you will do nothing but anger your fellow co-workers and create a bad reputation for yourself, as well as jeopardising the project's production.

Also, going overtime on a film production can lead to cost implications, i.e. going over budget. This  can lead to having a lack of money and can seriously hinder the film's production, making it very important to complete your tasks so that the film can be finished on time. Shooting on-location can also become a problem if it has to start late because shooting would likely have been organised around the weather and light conditions in order to fit specifications for the film.  If they are different from what it was for the planned shooting dates, it can result in further delays so that the film is shot in the right weather conditions.

Give at least 4 examples of good time management skills
  • Self Discipline - This skill is vital in being able to control yourself whilst you are completing your tasks, so that you do not feel tempted to procrastinate. This allows you to manage your time more effectively by helping you stay focused.
  • Punctuality - Important skill for being on-time, as being late can result in unnecessary delays that hinder the film's production as there is less time in that day to complete tasks. It is also important for helping you to complete tasks on time.
  • Schedules and call sheets - Used in order to organise the crew of a production so that everyone knows where and when they are needed for work so that tasks can be completed efficiently and on-time. The call sheet then identifies who is 'on set' or should be there so any missing persons can be identified and called. 
  • Using to do lists - Useful in order to set a number of tasks to be achieved within a day for example so that they can be organised so that they are all achieved efficiently. 

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