Tuesday 8 September 2015

3.1 – Describe the impact of your own behaviours on others

How do you feel you have worked well with others on the production team?

The behaviour that a person exhibits to others will always have an impact in ways that can be positive and negative, particularly when working in a group towards a tight deadline as we were on the film production. Generally, I feel that I have worked very well with others on the production team over the course and found it very easy to work with everyone else. There was a great positive attitude and motivation amongst most of us that drove us towards working hard to meet the deadlines of each task that we carried out. Personally, I worked most prominently on script-writing, whilst also working on live-action and several animation techniques. Working on the script lent itself to collaborating very well as we spent much of the first session working on it, generating lots of different ideas that meant the story was constantly changing. In this process, it was imperative to keep a positive attitude and to make sure we were joint thinking rather than prioritizing our own thoughts. Once we had the story nailed down, we worked very hard as a team to manage our time effectively and finish the script for the benefits of everyone else working on the film. Communication with the other members of the production team working on other parts of the film was vital towards making sure that our collective vision got across so that people working on animation, production design and props could create what we envisioned in the script. It was wonderful to know that we all mostly knew and had input with what was going on with the progress of the film in every part, so that if any necessary changes were made for example, we would be told - e.g. the adapting of Mad Jack's costume / silhouette.

What was the impact of your behavior on others?
As I stated previously, it is very important to consider the impact that your behaviour could have on others, both in a physical and mental capacity. For example, being consistently negative or uncooperative has a negative impact on everyone you are working with as it can lead to decreased morale and a general animosity that can lead to un-productivity on the film production - something it was important to avoid due to the short amount of time we had. Thankfully, I and everyone I worked with tended to keep positive and it meant that we all happily worked together and productively. If ideas were changed there were occasionally negative reactions, but we worked to move on for the good of the team and the project.

In terms of safety, your behaviour could potentially be fairly dangerous in the production of a film if you do not know what you are doing properly or were acting in a immature manner. For example, if you are unsafely using or moving equipment, you could be endangering yourself and the people working around you. Thankfully, due to safety regulations that were iterated and myself and everyone being careful, I believe I carried out tasks in a way that was safe and did not cause harm to anyone working around me. 

1 comment:

  1. You were always very polite and pleasant Josh and were a happy personality to be around. I think you were a great listener which at times is defiantly what the group needed. You also gave many great ideas too which wee adapted and used in the film.
